A delegation from Sarajevo visits the Generalitat to defend being at the 2030 Olympic Games

BarcelonaThe President of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, and the Minister for the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà, have met with the Prime Minister of the Canton of Sarajevo, Edin Forto, and his Minister of Culture and Sports, to explore ways of collaboration. for possible candidacy for the Winter Olympics. As ARA explained a few months ago, the capital of Bosnia is actively working to be part of the candidacy to bring the Olympic Games to the Pyrenees for the first time in 2030 and to host events that could not be held in Spain because the necessary infrastructures exist.

Both governments have explored “ways of collaboration” in relation to the candidacy project for the 2030 Winter Olympics. In the technical agreement signed by the Spanish Olympic Committee, the central government and Catalonia – of the which demarcates Aragon because it does not agree with the distribution of venues – it is stated that disciplines such as ski jumping, Nordic combined, bobsleigh, skeleton and luge can be held outside Spain, in a place yet to be determined, although Sarajevo has always been one of the strongest options, as it has the facilities of the 1984 Games, which would need to be remodeled.

But the meeting between the two governments has also served, according to the Generalitat, to “strengthen the twinning” between Barcelona and Sarajevo since 1992. “Catalonia’s ties with Sarajevo are historic and, thirty years later, new possibilities open up. of cooperation between the two, “the government said in a statement, recalling that the twinning was born precisely during the 1992 Games, when the Bosnian city was bombed. The Catalan candidacy considers that including Sarajevo in the 2030 project, although it would mean that 20% of athletes would not go through Catalonia, would show that Games can be held without major works and would revive the twinning with a city that became the eleventh district of Barcelona in 1995 at the suggestion of the then mayor of Barcelona.

Lambán still does not give in

The candidacy for the 2030 Games seemed ready to be presented to the International Olympic Committee when it blew up for lack of agreement with the Aragonese government. Its president, Javier Lambán, rejects the agreement on the distribution of seats that he had initially considered valid, and demands that more sports be held in his territory. Talks between all parties resumed on Monday, and today Lambán was pleased that the meetings are continuing, but insisted that he will only participate if he is on an equal footing with Catalonia and if Aragon hosts tests in three of the their stations.

“The bad part is that no positions have been approached, and the good part is that it has continued to hold meetings. The Aragonese territory must be treated the same as the Catalan, because our stations are not worse, they are better.” said today in an act, and made it clear that there should be evidence at the stations of Cerler, Formigal and Candanchú and that the distribution between Aragon and Catalonia “must be balanced and reasonable, both in quality and quantity “.


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