Zach LaVine will remain embarrassed by his knee

Since his alert against Golden State on January 14, Zach LaVine has been hampered by his left knee. He missed several meetings before consulting a specialist and, even if it is better, the problem remains.

He knows it, the Chicago All-Star will have to deal with this concern for a few more months. On the other hand, he does not know in what state he will succeed in finishing this 2021/22 financial year…

“It will be a discussion between me and my doctors, to find a solution in order to return to 100%. Because there, my knee is not at 100%, that’s the reality “he confesses, for NBC Sports. “If you think back to my game against Golden State, I won’t be 100% like that. Now can I play and have an impact? Yes, I can, but I will have to deal with this until the end of the season. I’m not going to stop: we’re having a good season too, so I’m going to be there and help my team in any way I can. »

His knee was drained and he received an injection, which was a one-time relief, so he could finish the season.

“I’ll see about that later. I don’t know how it’s going to evolve, or how we’re going to approach it. There, it’s like a bandage. The injection did me good, it deflated. I moved better afterwards. I feel better now, I feel comfortable playing and being efficient. During the offseason, I will do what is necessary. »

However, is there a risk for him and his knee to continue playing despite this discomfort?

“If I didn’t feel solid or if it was structurally damaged, I wouldn’t play. I’m not stupid: I’m not going to take big risks. I’m a little limited in my movements, I have a few pains here and there, but we can deal with it. I can manage. I have to cool down, stretch, and make sure everything is okay. »

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