Zacatecas will host the regional stage of the Condde 2022 Games

From April 4 to 9, the arrival of 1,300 participants is expectedas well as judges and their companions, in the event in which athletes from Zacatecas, Durango and Chihuahua will look for a ticket to the National Universiade.

Competitions from more than 20 disciplines They will take place in the regional stage of the Games of the National Council of Sports of Education (Condde) 2022.

Authorities from the Zacatecas Tourism Secretariat (Secturz) announced the event that will be held thanks to the status remaining green at the Epidemic Risk Traffic Light, after 2 years of activities being paralyzed due to the pandemic.

The competitions will be held in various spaces and sports facilities of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ) and the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the State of Zacatecas (Incufidez), following the sanitary measures determined by the health authorities.

UAZ executives highlighted the importance of choosing the entity for the development of this important event, which marks the return of face-to-face activities and, of course, tourist activities in their various segments.

Among the disciplines that will be disputed are chess, athletics, judo, weights, table tennis, archery, basketball, soccer, wrestling, tennis, boxing, baseball, taekwondo, karate, among others, which will have different venues.

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