‘You Accelerate’ Park Joo-hyeon and Chae Jong-hyeop, a poster full of excitement… April 20 first

picture explanationPhoto|Blitzway Studio

The main poster full of excitement of Park Joo-hyun and Chae Jong-hyeop for ‘The Speed ​​To You’ was released.

KBS 2TV’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘The speed to you 493km’ (directed by Jo Woong, written by Heo Seong-hye, hereinafter ‘Accelerated You’) will be broadcasted for the first time at 9:30 pm on April 20. ‘Accelerate You’ is a hot sports romance between a refreshing twenty-five, sports-oriented Park Tae-yang (Park Joo-hyun) and an athletic professional Park Tae-joon (Chae Jong-hyeop) in a badminton business team.

On the 10th, the main poster for ‘Accelerate You’ was released, drawing attention.

The youth chemistry of Park Joo-hyeon (Park Tae-yang) and Chae Jong-hyeop (Park Tae-joon), felt in the poster, raises expectations for the main broadcast of ‘Accelerate You’.

The main poster is set in the locker room used by badminton players. The players are busy moving each other. Among them, Park Joo-hyeon and Chae Jong-hyeop, who sit side by side on a bench in the middle of the locker room, rob their eyes. Although they are sitting with their backs, if you look closely, the fingers of each other overlap, making the hearts of the viewers beat. The locker room full of other players feels like a world of their own.

The bright smiles that fill the faces of Park Joo-hyun and Chae Jong-hyeop add to the excitement. The bright expression that seems to have everything in the world shows the happiness that the two feel when they are together.

The phrase ‘our brightest and most intense moment’ written on the poster seems to describe the two people’s moment in the photo.

As such, ‘Accelerate You’ heralded a fresh, exciting, and delightful sports romance between the two youths with just the main poster. In the spring of 2022, the story of Park Joo-hyeon and Chae Jong-hyeop, who will come along with the warm spring breeze, is eagerly awaited.

[양소영 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]


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