War Russia-Ukraine UK sanctions against Roman Abramovich: Chelsea sale frozen, market blocked

There is no peace for Chelsea boss Roman Abramovich. The Russian tycoon, given the relations with Putin’s government engaged in the assault on Ukrainian soil, had decided to take a step back from the Chelsea chair, announcing the sale of the London club on 2 March. But despite the significant list of potential buyers, the Blues sale will be frozen. In fact, from the United Kingdom, the communication of heavy sanctions against Abramovich arrives.

Its assets in the UK have been frozen, including his own club. This means that the sale of the company will have to wait until further notice. The oligarch will be barred from traveling and conducting financial activities on UK soil. The reasons for the sanctions were outlined in a government document.

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Abramovich was punished for being “associated with a person who is or has been involved in the destabilization of Ukraine and the undermining and threatening of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, namely Vladimir Putin, with whom Abramovich has had close relations for decades. This interest relationship allowed him to obtain financial benefits or other material benefits from Putin and the government of Russia. “

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Chelsea “frozen”: what consequences?

What an impact for the team coached by Tuchel? In the short term, minimum. Chelsea will be able to count on a special license from the government, which will allow league matches to take place smoothly. “This includes permissions for the club to continue playing matches and other football-related activities which in turn will protect the Premier League, the broader football pyramid, fans and other clubs. This license will only allow certain explicitly named actions to ensure that the designated individual (Abramovich, ed) will not be able to circumvent the British sanctions. The license will be constantly monitored and we will work closely with the football authorities “states the government.

20 thousand pounds for travel, prohibited ticket sales, and much more …

Under this license, Chelsea will be able to continue to pay players and staff, pay pending transfer fees, spend up to £ 500,000 on organizing matches, receive payments.. The license will expire on May 31st, after which the government may extend, revoke, vary or suspend that license. Among the quibbles of the license there is also a spending limit of 20 thousand pounds for travel of any kind: which poses an important question mark on Chelsea’s economic capacity to face European travels.

On the economic level, however, the impact could be severe: only season ticket holders will be able to cross the threshold of Stamford Bridgeas ticket sales have also been officially frozen. Player transfers, contract renewals and merchandise sales are also blocked. On the other hand, catering is allowed.

What happens now? Sell ​​only if Abramovich doesn’t take a pound, and watch out for the “right to sell” of the players

Situation in the making, with many English sources already talking about how Chelsea could actually be sold shortly, but only if the sum collected does not go to replenish Abramovich’s coffers. In short, sale allowed, but not even a pound in the Russian tycoon’s current account.

But also pay attention to what the players decide to do, blocked for now also at the exit, with the first rumors that speak – according to a source that quotes an agent of one of the players present in the Tuchel squad in London: “How can they ban the club to sell players? Surely there are employment law implications for players who would like to leave but find themselves practically trapped? “

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