Victory for Provincial in Atalaya

In a very even and defensive game, the Red won 42-52 and obtained an important victory as a visitor.

The teams were studied from the beginning and the parity between both casts was known beforehand. Atalaya managed to neutralize Garello and Fernández, the two goal cards of those led by Lalima, but could not take advantage of that in attack, and Provincial won the first period 10-11.

In the second quarter the visit took advantage and Atalaya suffered, without scoring a double in the first twenty minutes, and with Provincial scoring a 15-0 run, Azul needed halftime to settle things.

After the break, with the shout of his public, Atalaya reacted, first from the defense and then trying to run the field. That’s where collective work became key. Provincial was charged with fouls and Azul went to the line but was not being effective at all (15-34 throughout the game) and could not tie the game.

El Rojo closed it better, he was calm to think about the last plays and Atalaya took uncomfortable shots. In this way, the victory remained in the hands of Provincial, and now the champion of Rosario will be visited by his classic rival (Sportsmen), to close the first round of the Federal League. El Rojo, meanwhile, will have the next day off.


Watchtower (42): Fascia 21, Orellano 0, Borches 2, Scalella 9, Yanson 3 (fi), Palladino 1, Grimauldo 6, Rueda 0, Casas 0. DT: Andrés Malajovich Farruggia.

Provincial (52): L. Rodríguez 4, F. Rodríguez 3, Fernández 13, Pérez 8, Garello 3 (fi), D’Amari 0, Quiroga 4, D’Angelo 8, Centanaro 0, Rosas 9. DT: Gustavo Lalima .

Partials: 10-11 / 17-31 / 34-39 / 42-52.

Referees: Marcelo Varela and Matías Acuña.

Stadium: Alberto Luis Ornati – Atalaya Club.

Source: Watchtower Press.


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