TrashTalk Fantasy League: Team Leaderboard

Given the growing success of the TrashTalk Fantasy League, and with intense Playoffs that will point their noses on the planet NBA, the opportunity is ideal for us to recall some important rules around this magnificent game that is the TTFL. In particular, the team game.


TrashTalk Fantasy League players.

First of all, we would like to congratulate you and thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm for this new TTFL season. You are once again thousands to participate in this game, with a passion that simply makes us want to offer the best of the NBA on a daily basis. Whether in the individual classification or in the collective classification, the battle has been raging since last October and the TTFLab keeps an eye on the grain with more precise tables than ever offered every day. And the teams whose players offer original content on social networks delight us every morning. For all this, we tell you: thank you.

As many of you know, we want to pay particular attention to the opinion of the community. It’s inscribed in our codes, and in our way of doing things for almost 10 years as a team. As soon as a remark comes up, or an improvement is suggested, we take it into consideration and talk about it behind the scenes in order to decide in the fairest possible way. Not everything comes true, but at least we are all discussing it together. This process is valid on our site as well as on our channels, on our social networks, and on our dear TrashTalk Fantasy League. And recently, we heard about an issue in the team rankings that may have affected many of you. Indeed, the nature of the registration system in TTFL means that teams of 10 players can be created, without there really being 10 physical players. different. Some, for the pleasure of having several picks available, create teams of 10 using 10 different nicknames. We were able to discuss with them, there does not seem to be any bad intention with those who answered us. However, faced with this reality and this problem, we have discussed a lot internally in order to find the best possible solution, in the short, medium and long term.

First of all, it is important to remember that we do not wish to dictate the way in which to play the TrashTalk Fantasy League (proof being, the founder has been chaining shitty picks in the greatest calm since the launch of this game). If a few players within the TTFL are creating new, exciting and innovative ways to play, we like to let that freedom and fun shine through. We want this game to evolve with the ideas and initiatives of the players. But this expression must take place within a specific framework: one that does not affect the pleasure of playing others. And in a competition as fierce as the TTFL, a feeling of imbalance or injustice cannot be taken lightly. Yes, two players make a team, but a team of 2, not a team of 10.

Another style of play that makes you cringe and which we are well aware of: the All-In system. A way of playing initially on the margins, which has since become popular due to the extreme results (good or bad) it allows. It is this system of betting 10 times on the same player that has often led to one person teams with multiple accounts. Here again, our desire is not to ban, but there is a real need to clarify the system and to add a new form of transparency at the level of the classification. We have this in mind, and have already been able to speak to some on social networks.

Thus, several steps will take place.

First of all, concerning the end of the current NBA season: above all, we want to reward the true teams of 10 players. That is to say the teams of 10 players made up of 10 different people. It’s the very definition of the game. team, and we would like to congratulate the work that has taken place over an entire regular season, with the plurality of opinions and therefore the difficulties that this represents. The TTFL by team is not imposed by 10, but it wants to shed light on these teams of 10. Therefore, it is the teams of 10 different players who will be given priority in the announcement of the winners to come. . Ditto for individual rewards: if a player with several accounts is able to be rewarded, there will only be one reward given.

Then, regarding the next NBA season: important summer reflections will take place, with modifications in stride according to the possibilities envisaged. New league system? New even more detailed rankings? New Playoffs? The options are open, and they will be evaluated this summer for a resumption of the 2022-23 NBA season under the best possible conditions. Once again, we will take everyone’s opinions into account while trying to find the happy medium, so that the pleasure of making your picks remains unchanged and is even increased tenfold in the months to come. There is no point in making a firm decision by the 2022 Playoffs, we will focus on this subject as a priority during the summer break. That being said, during the Playoffs, we will consider speaking out via a survey in order to take into account the opinion of the community and thus improve this situation. Once again, allowing everyone to play as they wish, without affecting the experience of others.

Until then, we only wish you one thing.

A great end to the regular season. A ruthless battle during the Playoffs.

An immense joy in teamwork as in front of the results of the morning.

And that together we can all enjoy the TrashTalk Fantasy League as it should be: that is, as the best basketball game of the world.

Good carrot to all.


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