“The pride of having played against a great team like Cantù”

Francesco Stefanelli, one of the best canturini in Piacenza

(Foto by Gorini)

The comment of Federico Campanella, technician of Bakery Piacenza

After two consecutive victories, Bakery Piacenza stops against Cantù which achieved success only after four overtime. Despite the defeat, Piacentina Basketball can also be satisfied, squeezing every available resource and missing only the final leap.

The Bakery showed an excellent collective game, but in the end it was the Canturine individualities who triumphed, in a race that is already consigned to history. «This is the only way we can define it», began the Bakery coach, Federico Campanella: «We had beaten Cantù in the first leg and we also tried on the return leg. We have thrown our hearts and not only over the obstacle. For 60 ‘we expressed an excellent basketball in attack and defense, as long as the legs held up ».

Half-way considerations, because the points taken remain zero: “The players and I – Campanella’s words – have a mix of emotions inside: there is the bitterness for not having had the air of winning and perhaps we would have deserved it, but there is also pride in having played like this against a team that has other goals than ours. In our small way we try to cultivate our dream which is to stay in A2, we are more alive than ever. We are fighting and we are rebelling against a ranking that until a few weeks ago saw us second to last ».

Next Sunday match away to Casale Monferrato for Piacentina Basketball. A red and white victory could secure the permanence in A2.


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