The Council of State whistles the end of the legal fight between the town hall and Le Blanc-Mesnil Sport Judo

Chance of the judicial calendar, the decision of the Council of State relating to the procedure opposing Le Blanc-Mesnil Sport Judo (BMSJ) to the municipality fell a week before the vote on the subsidies to the associations of the municipality. For five months, the club has been fighting for the town hall. The first considers himself aggrieved by the second, which pays him a subsidy each year which he considers insufficient.

Seized by the BMSJ, the administrative court (TA) of Montreuil estimated in October that “the measures of strong restriction of the time slots for the use of sports equipment” taken by the elected officials were unjustified, “particularly when the evolution of the number of its members is on the rise”. The municipality appealed this decision. On March 9, the Council of State rejected this appeal.

“The liars deceived the judges of the TA, they will have much more difficulty on appeal”, reacted Thierry Meignen (Free!), former mayor of Blanc-Mesnil and leader of the municipal majority, when the order of first instance was fallen.

The municipality pleaded the error of law, in vain

In its arguments presented before the supreme administrative court, the municipality considers that the judge in chambers “distorted the documents in the file” and “committed an error of law”. It calls into question, in particular, the urgency of the procedure.

“None of these means is likely to allow the admission of this appeal”, sweeps the Council of State. Will this decision calm relations between the two parties? Achour Benabdelmoumène, the technical director of the BMSJ whose women’s team has just qualified for the main European Cup, in doubt. According to him, the club recovered three hours of slots on Saturday morning, but refused another proposal from the town hall because of schedules considered too late.

For the rest, he believes that the BMSJ is “unable to operate” with 10 hours of slots per week for 230 members… and a subsidy which, in recent years, has been reduced from 25,000 to 10,000 euros.

Contacted, neither the mayor of Blanc-Mesnil nor his chief of staff responded to our request. In April 2021, during a meeting of the municipal council, the then mayor Thierry Meignen had hinted that the BMSJ had “become a political association”: “Every year, they lose three quarters of their top athletes , because they are tired of hearing about politics on the mats. »


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