“The celebration of the second goal against River does not happen many times…”

Gabriel Hauche knows the Racing world like few others. He arrived at the club as a reinforcement in the recent transfer market, but he was already an old acquaintance of the house for his two previous cycles, one of which had him as champion in 2014. From that experience, the 35-year-old striker knows the perfection what the fan wants to receive from the field. And from what he sees within the group of players, that demand from the stands will always be covered with a lot of attitude, beyond the results. An attitude that was well reflected in the Monumental, where the Academy came back from 0-2.

Flag of commitment and effort, always in pursuit of collective well-being, the Devil rescued as a great value what was the celebration of Leonel Miranda’s goal, that of the 2-2 draw that left a taste of victory due to Racing’s superiority in the play.

“It’s not very often that the second goal happens, embracing each other in the celebration, starters, substitutes, injured players, players who had left, people from the coaching staff… It was something spontaneous, they are beautiful signs. We’re going down that path, with the idea of all together to be able to add and have good returns. Hopefully it will be a great semester and year, for that we are killing ourselves every week, “explained Hauche, one of the leaders of the squad, against the Millionaire and also on the previous date, against Argentinos Juniors.


Edwin Cardona was not left out of that euphoria that was unleashed after Lolo’s good header. The Colombian, who went to the bank and did not enter because he was not quite physically fit, was ejected from it, jumped the advertising posters and entered the field to start a crazy race towards a squeeze with Miranda. And he was lost in that crowded group of people, as a faithful representation of the motto that the group has adhered to since the League Cup began: All together “. They repeat it whenever they can, in notes or via social networks.

Cardona went crazy in Lolo Miranda’s goal.

“I am in a very simple, humble group, wanting to work, to learn all together. I am super grateful for how they received me. And focused on trying to have a great year,” said Gaby. And already on the strictly soccer, he made a small balance of what has been disputed so far in the competition: “The team is growing, from minor to major. Although the other day they did not win (against River), they gave it a lot of value to form and I think that’s important. Before, with Argentinos, they had played very well”.

When Sebastián Beccacece was still the Racing coach, Hauche was very close to returning to the club, but in the end that possibility did not prosper for him who is a fan of the Academy, despite the fact that he never wanted to reveal it publicly to avoid any kind of demagoguery. He found a positive side to his delay in his return.

Hauche is one of the leaders of the squad.  Photo: @RacingClub

Hauche is one of the leaders of the squad. Photo: @RacingClub

“Although I could have come back earlier -acknowledged Gabriel-, a little younger, it didn’t happen. Things happen for a reason… It helped me to continue learning, playing important things in other teams. What I try to do the most is enjoy myself, with the responsibility that wearing the Racing shirt means. And the demand that this has. It’s the most beautiful way to compete, with that pressure to win and show every weekend”.


Gaby recounted the spirit of the squad behind closed doors: “There is a group of players in which we all want to play and we all enjoy when a teammate does well. The most important thing is to find a group that makes an effort to play and that doesn’t it’s your turn.”

Asked about the aspirations of the Academy, the Demon was cautious. “Based on how we compete -he said- it will be determined how far we can go in the different tournaments. One can get excited, but the reality is in how you compete. Having a group like this, because of how it is offered during the week, we have the illusion of compete in the best way”.


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