Sports facilities, financed 2.5 million in four Ionian centers. Nine municipalities excluded

Funds from the Sport and Suburbs call to redevelop public and private structures

Sports facilities, financed 2.5 million in four Ionian centers. Nine municipalities excluded

by Andrea Rifatto | today | ACTUALITY

The soccer field planned in Santa Teresa

Four passed, three “postponed” and six failed. Joys and sorrows for the Ionian municipalities from the final ranking of the “Sport and Peripheries 2020” call, published by the Department of Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Two years ago, several public and private bodies joined the opportunity, presenting projects to carry out building interventions for sports facilities, which can be financed up to a maximum of 700 thousand euros, aimed above all at the redevelopment of the existing one: out of thirteen requests, however, only four for a total of 2.5 million euros have been admitted and obtain the funds, while the other nine, for a total of over 5 million, will have to wait for the calls for the next few years or start from scratch. The highest amount is obtained by the Municipality of Letojanni, with 700 thousand euros for the renovation of the “Mario Lo Turco” soccer field (synthetic turf, energy efficiency and general redevelopment); another 700 thousand euros go to the amateur sports club “Airon Judo 90” of Furci Siculo, which will use the loan to complete the private sports facilities in via Sant’Antonio; the Municipality of Zanclea ladder receives a loan of 680 thousand euros for the completion of the multipurpose gym (another 70 thousand euros will be guaranteed by the municipal administration with a loan from the sports credit), while Santa Teresa di Riva enters the ranking with 425 thousand 500 euros for the construction of the new soccer field in Torrevarata. The redevelopment of the “Bacigalupo” stadium in Milan was not funded due to insufficient resources Taormina foreseen by a project of 699 thousand 800 euros (reconstruction of synthetic turf, energy efficiency and plant redevelopment), the redevelopment and regeneration of the sports area of Motta Camastra (700 thousand euros) and a 599 thousand euros project for the sports facilities of Italy.

Two requests were excluded as inadmissible because they lack the documentation and declarations required by the announcement (prior verification and validation of the design level presented pursuant to Legislative Decree 50/2016): those of the Municipality of Limina (350 thousand euros for the refurbishment and modernization of five-a-side football and tennis courts via Martiri di Bologna) and the “Polisportiva Porto Don Bosco” in Giardini Naxos to redevelop the Don Bosco Oratory. He excluded, because the project did not comply with the legislation on public works, the requests of the Municipalities of Weather in Roccalumera (699 thousand 996 euros for accommodation and adaptation of football, five-a-side football and tennis fields and covered sports hall), Antillo (700 thousand euros for the completion and adaptation of the tennis court, already deemed eligible for financing by the Region), Weather in Sant’Alessio Siculo (686 thousand 532 euros for the renovation of a football field) e Granites (540 thousand euros for the completion of the multipurpose gym and changing rooms). The recipients of the funds will now sign the agreement with the Presidency of the Council, a document in which the terms and methods of implementation of the project presented and the disbursement of the loan will be defined.


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