Spar Girona recovers with a win over IDK Euskotren (72-87)

Frida Eldebrink
David Subirana

Everything he missed in Salamanca on Wednesday, he had this evening in front of theIDK Euskotren (72-87). L’Spar Girona he has been right from 6.75, taking the lead from the first minute thanks in large part to the triples. Only in the first quarter, Eldebrink she has already made three (she has been one of the top scorers behind Gardner). The match was exciting when he woke up the whole of Guipúzcoa, being led by Mariam Coulibaly. As already feared, the pivot of Mali has been the great weapon of the IDK. Since then, the exchange of baskets has been constant. Although Uni did not relax at any time to stay ahead on the scoreboard. The match could have been broken in the third half. And it looked like it was when Coulibaly was injured, but Uni got lost for a moment, allowing losses and seeing how IDK was about to catch him. In the end, he was in charge of defending the victory, deflating the local team and doing justice to the scoreboard.


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