Shaq reveals his stupid technique to pay less for gas!

All means are good for saving money, even among billionaires. So at a time when the price of gasoline skyrocketing in the world, Shaquille O’Neal has released the ultimate method to save on the full … He is not a mathematician, and it shows.

And Shaquille O’Neal never hesitates to spend his money for others, for example by offering new cars to families in need or doing wonderful Christmas presents to an entire primary school, he also knows how to have fun. His thing is cars, and he has some very luxury models in his collection. He also regularly posts his cars on Instagram.

Shaquille O’Neal, done

For its 50th anniversary, celebrated last week with a huge party in Miami, the Diesel, for example, offered a customized vehicle with more than 800 horsepower in the engine ! The problem is that to enjoy these toys, you need gasoline, the price of which today exceeds €2 in many countries… And if some complain, he found the ultimate technique to pay less … Or so he thinks. He explained himself with Kenny Smith on the show Inside The NBA.

Shaquille O’Neal : When the gas meter is half empty, just put 20 dollars at the station to fill it up again. You complain about having to spend $80 each time you arrive on the reserve to fill up. The solution is to put only $20 as soon as you reach halfway. The average for normal people is one full per week. With this technique, and because you work here twice a week, you would have to stop once every two weeks.

Kenny Smith : But I will have to stop twice as often at the station. If I pay 4 times $20, that’s still $80!

Shaquille O’Neal : If you empty your tank in a week, you have to pay $80 for a full tank, okay? But if on Wednesday you put $20 to fill the tank, you only pay $20 for the week…

For Shaquille O’Neal, the best way to avoid paying for too much gas is to do several small ones, as soon as the tank is half empty. Because in his logic, paying several times $20 in short stops at the gas station is more advantageous than paying $80 once… An illogical calculation that did not fail to make all his colleagues on set laugh, and fortunately, he was better at counting his millions in the NBA.

Shaquille O’Neal is not a great mathematician, he demonstrated it with his theory on the half-empty tank. Fortunately, Kenny Smith was lucid enough not to listen to him and show him the absurdity of his theory…


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