Pico was left with the duel of pointers against All Boys

General Pico’s men achieved a very important victory, by beating their pair from Santa Rosa, who was also undefeated, by 84-67. Augusto Rossi was the top scorer with 27 points.

In a very close and intense start, neither of them could take advantage of the inaccuracy and errors of both sides. In this context, the visit stayed with the first quarter by 13-10.

Already in the second set, the host began to impose his game, with an intractable Augusto Rossi, commanding the team and managing to gain an important advantage. However, All Boys managed to get into the match based on Fazzini’s runs and penetrations plus the play of one of his figures, Figuras Zalavardo. At the close of the first half, the match was 30-25 in favor of the Dean.

After the break, Marcelo Germanetto’s men played better, guided by the actions of their captain Agustín “Tatu” Bualo and Marcelo Piuma, who is always important in the paint. To this was added the unattainable work of Elías Del Ponte, making all the Deans fans delirious with his dedication and dunks. The Pico Football team finished the third quarter 54-42.

In the last ten minutes the visit went to look for the game and shortened the distance with a great percentage of shots from three, thanks to Antonio Manera and Coco Zalavardo. But Pico, with the support of his people, who once again filled the Parque Ángel Larrea, and with the triples of the figure of the field, Augusto Rossi, plus the contribution of Agustín Bualo, achieved a very important victory to stay on top of the board.

The scorers in Pico FBC: Augusto Rossi 27 points; Agustin Bualo 15; Marcelo Piuma 13; Elias Del Ponte 12 and Manuel Peyronet 10.

In All Boys: Franzo Zalabardo 19 points, Antonio Manera 15, José Badillo 6 points.

Source: Pico Football Club Press.


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