Pacific beat the leader in the Federal League

The Federal League continues to deliver attractive matches and Saturday night was no exception. because Pacífico beat the leader Pérfora by the minimum and Biguá defeated Centenario in a changing duel.

The Deca floor strong at home and with the support of its people. Those led by Maximiliano Rubio won 71-70 after a disputed, discussed and controversial procedure.

Pacifico was in front for almost the entire game, but could never get away on the scoreboard. had to Francisco Hoffmann (20) as a figure on a night where everything happened. In the other side, Nicolas Ruiz (24) and Lucas Nieto (17) kept Fernando Claris’ men in the game, who did not have Julian Fedele and Luciano Pagani.

The key moment was at the beginning of the last set, when after a couple of crosses the referees Cristian Carrasco and Lucas Luna charged cross fouls. The two techniques against Ignacio Farías left Pérfora with another loss for the final minutes, but the visit still put up a fight and even came to the fore.

However, the Deca had Hoffman and Eighth Cancellarich (15), author of the decisive double in front of the hoop with 15 seconds to go, to reverse the bookmark. The defense on Rodrigo Lavezzari it was effective in the last play and Pacifico was left with a long-suffering as a celebrated victory.

In the nest, bigua reversed an adverse procedure in the second half to beat Centenary por 85 a 75. Matías Arias (25) and Marco Parmich (20) They fulfilled a great task during the visit, which could not be sustained in the complement.

Emilio Santana (22) on the perimeter and David Fric (18) in the paint they were the best of Biguá, which also had more variants and there it made the difference. Luciano Ravera (15), Santiago Pascual (12), Leonel Rodríguez (12) also reached double figures to accompany the scorers.

Those led by Mauricio Santángelo continue to grow in the table and strengthen their home team, while Cente is last with Zorros.


Pierced record 9-3

Tanker 7-3

bigua 7-5

Spanish Center 6-3

peaceful 6-6

Deportivo Roca 5-6

Independent 4-5

Centenary 1-9

Foxes 1-6

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