Olga Chaves, Vivencias award for a lifetime of improvement in sports | Ceuta Television | News Ceuta

From her beginnings at the age of 7 in Judo, her sporting successes, her injuries, her career as a coach and teacher, to her role as a mother, everything that forms Olga Chaves has been worthy of the recognition that Podemos has wanted to grant her, considering it deserving of receiving the Vivencias 2022 award.

An award that she has gone to collect, supported by her family, who has been even more moved than she herself, who has told Ceuta Television, how surprised she received the call to offer her this recognition.

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In a ceremony in which she has been interviewed to learn more about them and the experiences she has experienced on her journey, it has become clear that she is not daunted by anything and that the main thing in which she can serve as a model for other women , young and not so young, is in the spirit of dedication, in the courage to try everything, and in not backing down before difficulties.

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Throughout her career she has broken stereotypes and affirms without trembling her voice that there are no gender sports, ready to dispute the veracity of those arguments with anyone in any discipline. In sport, as in life, what is needed is desire and effort, and the sex of each one is secondary.

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In a video full of congratulations, a legion of friends and family have congratulated the “champion” for this well-deserved recognition, which has been given to her by the Secretary for Equality and Intersectional Feminism, Nabila Soliman, who was in charge of reading the manifesto vindictive of training, in which he advocated greater participation, on an equal footing, in all areas, also related to sport, from competition to journalism.


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