No Premier League in China: Rights holders cancel matches due to support for Ukraine | Premier League

There will be no Premier League football in China this weekend. The Chinese rights holders have decided not to broadcast any matches as the English clubs will show their support for Ukraine this match day.

While almost the whole world condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China is still waiting for a clear position. Although Beijing now seems more likely to side with Russia.

Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin announced that their friendship is “limitless”. Now China is refusing to broadcast live statements of support to Ukraine from the Premier League.

This weekend, the captains of Premier League clubs will wear a captain’s armband in the colors of Ukraine. A minute of silence will also be held before kick-off in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

A clear signal that will be seen all over the world, except in China.

2019: Geen Arsenal-Manchester City in China

China is not ready for its test when it comes to controversial decisions. In 2019, state broadcaster CCTV decided not to broadcast a match between Arsenal and Manchester City. This is because Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil had expressed his support for the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang province.


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