Nintendo Switch Sports could also have basketball and dodgeball for a dataminer •

Nintendo Switch Sports will launch in April with six different sports.

Nintendo Switch Sports picks up the baton from Wii Sports and aims to be one of the most successful games from the Nintendo hybrid. As we know, a few weeks ago, Nintendo surprised the world during one of its usual Direct by announcing Nintendo Switch Sports.

In total the game will include 6 different sports: volleyball, badminton, bowling, soccer, fencing and tennis and all of them can be played in both multiplayer and local. However, it appears that Nintendo is planning to release more sports as bonus content in the months following the game’s release.

It was dataminer Wipeoutjack7 who revealed that there is a reference in the Nintendo Switch Sports code to “basketball” and “dodgeball”. It could be content that would have been included in the game but was eventually discarded by the developer, or it could also be content that could arrive in the game at a later time.

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However, we will find out only in the future: Nintendo Switch Sports will arrive from April 29 exclusively on the Nintendo Switch family of consoles.

Source: GamingBolt


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