Negotiations resume for the return of baseball – AGP Deportes

Negotiations resume for the return of baseball – AGP Deportes

Ensenada, Baja California.- The international umpire, with experience in World Classics, Caribbean Series and finals in both professional national baseball circuits, Jesús López Miller, returned to Ensenada to give a clinic.

A total of 20 “referees” answered the call and appeared in the meeting room of the Municipal Institute of Sport and Recreation of Ensenada (Inmudere), located inside the Juan Abelardo Rodríguez Sullivan sports unit.

The attendees were David Rivera Pimentel, Alejandro Sotelo, Miguel Ángel Mayoral, Damián “Pescado” Patron, Miguel Ángel Cisneros, Óscar “Vaquero” Gómez, Jaime Bravo, Amador “Terrón” Peña, Juan Carlos “Perro” Verdugo, Carlos Borbón and Demián Carballo.

As well as David “Black” Guzmán, Antonio “Huevo” Castro, Héctor Rodríguez, Luis Silva, Edgardo Medina, Alfredo Urrutia, Mike Durán, Saúl Peralta González and Rodolfo “Rufo” Navarro.

“We were sponsors of the Ensenada Municipal Children’s and Youth Baseball Leagues, Chapultepec Urban League, Maneadero Rural League, Rosarito Municipal League and Ensenada Municipal Softball League,” said Miguel Cisneros.

The coordinator of the event added that “the plan is to be doing these trainings every six months, at the end of the season of the Mexican or Mexican Pacific League.”

“All doubts that arose during the explanation were resolved, in addition to reinforcing learning with videos exemplifying the situations,” he reported.

The exhibitor, for his part, said: “we had the presence of 20 people, all very participatory, paying attention and their doubts were clarified.”

“It was very productive, thank God we were able to touch on the four topics: obstruction, interference, balk and granting of bases, both theoretically and with video illustrations”, López Miller concluded.

Information: Angel Dominguez.


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