NBA: James Harden agrees with the Brooklyn Nets with his transfer

Ethe landing of James Harden on the Philadelphia 76ers it was perfect. His connection with Joel Embiid worked at thousand wonders and with him on the court the Pennsylvania team knew no defeat. ‘La Barba’ smiled again and showed his most lethal basketball in the last two seasons, remembering that player who came to be cataloged as “the best offensive player of all time” by his current boss Daryl Morey.

However, the fairy tale came to an end. And she did it because of a very particular ogre: los Brooklyn Nets. The team that Harden asked to leave last February and in which he never felt comfortable sharing lights and posters with stars like Kevin Durant or Kyrie Irving. The other two vertices of a triangle that never became the ‘Big Three’ and that in the first opportunity they have had have shown that they were not wrong by sending the shooting guard to Philadelphia.

The Nets, eighth in the East with a balance of 34 wins and 33 losses, hit the table and launched a serious warning ahead of the playoffs where no team will want to face the New Yorkers. And less with a version like the one Durant (25 points, 14 rebounds and 7 assists) and Kyrie Irving (22 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists) they showed against some Sixers who suffered the lethal blow by a Seth Curry (24 points) with too many pending accounts with his former team.

James Harden makes history and surpasses Reggie Miller as the third best three-pointer in historyNBA

Quite the opposite happened with Harden, who at least had the consolation of taking advantage of the match to beat Reggie Miller As the third-best 3-point shooter in NBA history. It was a mirage in a game to forget for ‘La Barba’, which ended with 11 points with three of 17 in field goals, a reflection of a team adrift.

Kevin Durant he was the key man in the Nets’ victory over the Sixers. The forward drove the impressive New York steamroller past Philadelphia and gave an authentic total basketball recital to show that as long as he’s in charge, the Nets will continue to be the favorites. Especially when the playoffs begin. The eaves ended with 25 points, 14 rebounds and seven assists.

Hit on the table of Durant and the Nets against his ex James HardenNBA

For one night Nikola Jokic took off his alien suit and became human again, proving that even heroes have weaknesses. The Serbian was once again the best of the Nuggets in the defeat against the Golden State Warriors (102-113) in a game in which Jokic once again touched the triple double (23 points, 12 rebounds and nine assists), but in which I ended with a zero of eight from the triple and five turnovers.


  • 76ers 100-129 Nets
  • Nuggets 102-113 Warriors

walked Stephen Curry downcast after the All Star until he found the spark he needed to relight his fuse. It happened in the second half of the game against the Denver Nuggets. The Warriors, who landed in Colorado with five losses in the last six games, went into the break with a nine-point deficit and bad feelings for the Californian team. Especially in his MVP with just 10 points in the bag. Everything changed when I left the locker room. Curry found the itch and wrote down 24 of his 34 points in the second half to sign a victory of merit for Steve Kerr’s team.

James Harden personified a night to forget in the Philadelphia 76ers, but he was not the only culprit in the sinking of Doc Rivers’ team. He was more the collective demerit of a group that did not even attack (32.3% shooting from the field and 18 turnovers) or defended, allowing the Nets offense to make 18 3-pointers and shoot 56% from the field.

Seth Curry gave himself the luxury of revenge on his former team with a game in which he showed that he has a lot to offer in a ring candidate team. The shooting guard knows his role and as a specialist he was able to destroy the Sixers rim with 24 points and four triples.


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