Michael Krieger: From the HHG to Munich and back to the Palatinate – Judo

From the Rhineland to Kaiserslautern and on to Munich. Judoka Michael Krieger follows a consistent path. His goal is the Olympic Games. Last summer he left Kaiserslautern with his technical college entrance qualification. Judo took him to the Bavarian capital and is now bringing him back to the Palatinate.

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tiiDulpah”aai>ondidency-“tela-oo=erpmor hlcsleetEui eds proSts in Ka,stlreeraisnu asd mcs-ynhme-eniHiuneaiHirG (,H)GH tis so hcmnnae trrlSepo ied ttiinrsaertEkt ni tnRhiucg ti.ezetWlsp hcAu eid uHJporgdpghe zerm ugdrikGHe fua ienne red hir,ne der rode ied es bsi azgn hcan top eafhcgfts t.ah bO aisJmn roGbwkais eselamh( eid celpsosmiyh eBnroz eweongnn ,tha ob rde trbdeiesnhehe athatsiM g,rerKei edr sei areerKir llfeenbas itm hepmlyocsmi znezaWralzone ned eesitlmteitWrelt sei lael dnstean vuozr am HHG fua red MadetouJt.-

nuN mtach icsh itm dme ialhMce geKierr eternu nie hieregamel GeHHrl afu edn geW ni ide e.Wtzletpsi Aus dem aRhnnilde mnekm, od ettah er shci orv ien apra hranJe twssube dsa HHG lsa odtrsnlunSmtnmnte bm. eid betes mi uJdo gtas er dun n, a sdsa ide Mnoeemt ni edr, zafPl ni urletn, rsaKsiae rfü hni ien tieZ r, eanw die arbe nvo voirnenehre zrbegnte a, wr iwe er a.gts

ipscymehlO elepSi asl SenZiiele norcstpeihl lfE, oreg dei hisc in edr tZei am GHH ltestnel, never the ndrstruaeineB aurseammfk eedrwn. riKeegr werdu in end radnuedkesB f.eurben inE setrre ttiSchr auf nemei geW, dre üfr nhi ​​sert ebi Oympali neend lsol, dre rwa cfh.festga se ni vier nJhear ocnh nthci tlpak, p dnna nebe ni itbg re higez eron.

ae unGso etiebshcbr inh ahuc nies TrG-HeinrHa iUl bmeruah, Sc red nih a, tgs tis iener rde eingnwe Seot, plrr ied stblse ermmi nhoc im riigTnan nije adrfu z, enest neeir den amn renbsem coehSne orpresle sltt slSt – sl erpresleS

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riK gere ist ieb edr syaiberhcne Pioilze in Audlusgbin dun tha sla itgileMd edr dre eiliozP tiZe einesn tr.Spo bin ierv taenMo ni rde duiiPlziuogsbneal ndu knan cmih ied ntecrlshie Metoan angz emd Jdou reld thd llds Kd.

T he dsgileazuPbiunilo htize ihcs inh eJhar. Five ae,hJr in ends he can ipetsrolchn eenzwnud without the kcruD stsugzeeat to nsi,e to ,hnirefgeantr mmotk einS irH-aneTGHr macSeruhb etczbeienh esdi las ine tuges lo.ldeM

fuA rs ebneeAiR awmru gnehsteuerca B? yarne Machlei iKrgeer mastmt sua emd ia, nldhRen ehtta ni rde afzPl retaz lzruWne heglngsae, c raumw lsao unn tiegl faihecn, dnara dsod in ine ist chi en.i

mMonaent fnbtiede he ihsc ni red rtsneolcpih, Pheas he htste wlazeim rheerme nneSutd in rt, nJongudiai camht fptrtrasoK UDN atriirten rus.aeAdu Need is re ndan ewried, Nyou ntsuedmzi eeetzsi.wi He htge bre edn dpJeuitoesvrorn eySerp ni erd idngsBauel in rde kitcsshleGeaws SBI 81 omagKriml fua edi .eatMt


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