MARCH 8: Three Côte-d’Oriennes prepare for the Amazon Raid in Sri Lanka

As part of International Women’s Day, Dijon Info highlights Violaine Constant, Sandrine Mouta and Marie Marx, three friends who after long months of sports training will, for the first time, leave for six days in Sri Lanka to do the Amazon Raid on foot, by canoe and by bike.

March 8 is a day of gatherings around the world and an opportunity to take stock of the situation of women. It is also an opportunity to mobilize in favor of women’s rights and their participation in political and economic life. The United Nations defines a different theme each year. For 2022 the theme is: “Equality Today for a Sustainable Future” in recognition of the contribution of women and girls around the world who lead the offensive in adapting to and responding to climate change.

To wink at this very special day, Dijon Info highlights three Côte-d’oriennes, three girlfriends, Violaine Constant, Sandrine Mouta and Marie Marx.

The Amazon Raid

All three have been preparing for several months for the 20th Amazon Raid which will take place from March 13 to 23 and from March 27 to April 6, 2022 in Sri Lanka. The sports candidates will discover the majestic tea plantations, the mysteries of Sigiriya and its famous Lion Rock, this mythical palace. A discovery that will have nothing of a tourist ride since they will have to run, pedal and paddle.

Divided into teams of 2 or 3, 300 “Amazons” including Violaine Constant, Sandrine Mouta and Marie Marx for the Côte-d’Or crew, Les Reds Ladies, will challenge each other for six days, in disciplines such as mountain biking , Canoeing, Trail, Archery and other surprise events, all in total immersion in nature. The opportunity to know why such an adventure.

Red Ladies

Violaine Constant 48 years old, a child, Recruitment and Training Manager, courageous and valiant, athletic who needs to constantly challenge herself, loves challenges and surpassing herself, especially when it comes to representing a cause close to her heart. His motto: Carpe Diem. “This Raid Amazones is for me a human adventure where surpassing oneself is essential. It’s also an opportunity to prove to yourself that you are capable of doing something extraordinary again that comes out of your comfort zone. And then it’s a sporting challenge that I want to experience fully with my teammates and friends. It is also an opportunity to highlight an association that is close to my heart and that we have decided to support for this raid, Solidarité femmes 21, which fights against violence against women.

Sandrine Mouta . 42 years old, two children, Customer Manager, voluntary, joyful, tenacious, ambitious, who likes to take up all the challenges including the crazy one to participate in this raid at the end of the world for one and the same cause. “I was boosted by Violaine, with whom I have been working for a few years. She explained to me what the Raid Amazones was and her passion was such that I felt it inside me, and I said to myself why not me? I thought long and hard and made my decision to leave. I had to get into sport a little more, but with Violaine as a coach and my husband, who is an accomplished athlete, I must admit that I had good assets. And now I can’t wait to leave and show that I too can take on such a challenge.”

Marie MARX. 41 years old, the most “lady” Customer Manager of the team, joy of living and charm are her two major assets. Likes to take up challenges and challenge oneself. Super mother of three boys, including twins, who are above all her first sport. “So I’m not basically athletic, but when Violaine came to ask me to leave I said to myself, and why not at the dawn of my 40th birthday. But hey, I was still going a long way. But in the end I discovered myself as a sport. Like what with the will, the support of Violaine and the accompaniment in my sporting outings, even in the rain, of Sandrine, I managed to surpass myself»

The Red Ladies will embark on the 20th Raid Amazones during the second session from March 27 to April 6, 2022. An adventure to follow with Dijon info.

Norbert Banchet

Les Red Ladies : Violaine Constant, Sandrine Mouta and Marie Marx. Photo: N.Banchet


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