Loosduinen gets new sports hall: ‘A first step to solve shortages’

Loosduinen gets new sports hall: ‘A first step to solve shortages’

Impression of the new Sports Hall Loosduinen. © Municipality of The Hague

THE HAGUE – A new larger sports hall with two floors will be built in Loosduinen. It concerns a double sports hall with a total of 600 stands that will replace the current Sports Hall Loosduinen on Groen van Prinstererlaan. The new complex must ensure that there will also be sufficient space for indoor sports in the future.

As early as 2018, research showed that there is a shortage of sports halls in the city and especially along the coastal strip. This shortage will only increase due to population growth, researchers expect.

That is why the city council of The Hague has started looking for places where the sports hall capacity can be expanded and 500,000 euros has been reserved for conducting research and making plans. writes media partner Omroep West.

Current sports hall in moderate architectural condition

In an exploration into locations, the ‘Loosduinen triangle’ area emerged as a suitable option and available within the sports area’, writes alderman Hilbert Bredemeijer (CDA) in a letter to the city council.

‘The current Sports Hall Loosduinen is in a moderate to poor architectural condition. That is why the option of replacing the existing sports hall with a new double sports hall has been investigated.

Temporary gymnastics hall

The city council has in mind the location of the temporary gymnastics hall on Groen van Prinstererlaan as the location for the new building. It would mean that the gymnastics hall has to be removed by the end of 2023 or early 2024 at the latest. ‘In consultation with the Turnhal foundation, a number of optional, replacement locations for the placement of this gymnastics hall are being investigated for feasibility’, Bredemeijer writes. ‘The basic principle is that gymnastics should experience as little hindrance as possible from this relocation.’

But he adds: ‘At this point, no funds have been set aside to finance a relocation.’ The other existing sports activities can continue until after the completion of the new building.

Hofstad MAVO

The alderman expects that a new sports hall will be well spent. Bredemeijer: ‘With the replacement of the adjacent Hofstad MAVO, which is planned in the long term, there will also be a good occupation of the sports hall during the day.

In addition, for these locations, a connection with the development and addition of a housing program is being examined. Replacing the existing sports hall with a new double sports hall is therefore a responsible choice and a first step towards solving the shortage of indoor sports space.

WHC Handball, RTC Badminton and Onder Us

In the complex that the city council has in mind, it must be possible to play matches at national level, for example for volleyball. The associations that are already active in Sports Hall Loosduinen will also return, including WHC Handball, RTC Badminton and the Onder Ons badminton association.

The municipality also wants to offer new associations and other forms of sport and exercise space in the new hall. ‘A separate, multifunctional space will also be created for small-scale neighborhood (sports) activities such as yoga, judo, fitness classes for the elderly, etc.’, Bredemeijer writes.

Construction starts in 2024, ready in 2026

The council expects that construction of the new sports hall can be started in 2024. The complex should be ready in 2026.


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