Just not for Almere after thriller in final

You the news, we a little bit!

The supporters who traveled along, partly by supporters bus and many by their own transport, made themselves heard clearly. BV Almere made a statement with a mega flag of Ukraine. The country of origin of Anna Mikhalkova. She is part of the selection but was not present.

After the doubles there was a 0-2 deficit on the scoreboard. Adam Hall and Alex Vlaar, who were not match fit, still won the first game 21-11, but lost the next 2 games to Brian Wassink and Ties van der Lecq. Ieva Pope and Kirsten de Wit were not involved against the strong couple Selena Piek and Debora Jille. With 21-9 and 21-3, the difference in power was obvious.

A point was expected from Dennis Koppen. Dennis had a hard time against Finn Achthoven. The first game did yield a win, but the second he was suddenly at 0-6. That gap could not be closed anymore, but he did take the third game.

A blistering match between Estelle van Leeuwen and Swiss Dounia Pelupessy. Three games with a minimal difference. They trailed in the first game but won. The second game was for Dounia and in the third game 6 points lead for Estelle. She almost let Dounia come alongside but eventually took the win. A great performance from 17-year-old Estelle.

Also an excellent performance by Diede Odijk. She defeated Chloë Mayer, still semi-finalist at the Dutch National Championships, 2-0. Patiently waiting for her chances, Diede got Chloë to her knees. That too was a surprise but a deserved win for Diede and a 3-2 lead for Almere.

Another 17-year-old in the final. Noah Haase had to compete against Jordy Hilbink. Not an easy task, but Noah fought bravely. The first game was narrowly lost 21-19 but in the second Noah took the lead. It wasn’t enough, but it played well.

So the decision could fall on mixing. There was no win for Kirsten and Alex. Are lost no chance of Debora and Ties. There is little to add to the two times 21-9 win for the Haarlem team.

All the better for Estelle and Adam. They won the first game against Selena and Brian. With a minimal difference, but still. The Haarlem couple never got over that loss. In the second game, Estelle and Adam were supreme and won big with 21-11.

That meant 4-4 and a golden game had to be played and the men had to repeat doubles for a game. That didn’t start well for our men. A 0-6 deficit turned out to be impossible to bridge. Adam and Alex had to leave the win to Brian and Ties and Duinwijck took the title. The 27th for the record champion.

When you play the final you want to win it. Especially when you’re so close. But when you perform above expectations, we should not be disappointed but proud. With the left row as the target at the start of the competition and so close to prolonging the national title, Dave Khodabux and his young team deserve the compliments for this achievement!

But of course we congratulate BC Duinwijck with the title after the beautiful final.

Posted by the editors
Obtained through BV Almere
Article photo by badminton and stuff. just


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