Jorge Arias says that the classic against Unión Magdalena is a separate match

Every classic is separate and the confrontation between Junior and Unión Magdalena, this Saturday, starting at 4:05 pm, at the Metropolitano stadium, is no exception.

This is what the central defender Jorge Arias believes, who said that it is a “separate match” even though the rival has been obtaining poor results in this tournament.

“It’s a separate match, no matter how much the rival arrives in their situation. It will be a difficult game where we have to know how to take advantage of the situations we have to find peace of mind. If it doesn’t start, we must have the patience, move the ball and find the spaces to take advantage of them”, said the defender.

“It is a separate match, no matter the situation of both teams. On our part we must continue that local work, mobility, tenure and find those spaces. We must have that peace of mind to take advantage of what we have, it will be a rival that will not give up, will seek to add in a place that is difficult and in the commitment it will be about running, scoring and a lot of concentration, ”he added.

The soccer player, who arrived this year again at the rojiblanco team, referred to the present that the currambera institution lives.

“I’m happy with the local balance, we’ve got all the points and we want to do it this weekend. It’s a classic, regardless of how the rival comes, this is a game apart. The victory against Tolima was with category, in other places we had left empty-handed and the important thing is that the victory was given and now the important thing is to continue adding points. We aim to be leaders”, said the Cesarense.

“Psychologically, a victory strengthens us more, ratifying what has been done. If we lose, he hits, but this is game by game. We only think about adding three, we must not give up points playing at home and we must become stronger, ”he added.

The 29-year-old player talked about the fight he has with the other defenders of the ‘Tiburón’ team for a place in the starting lineup of Argentine coach Juan Cruz Real.

“Quite a few bugs have been fixed, but this is match by match. In recent games the zero has been taken, I want to contribute the best of me to the team, so that the forwards have that peace of mind and they can convert to win with greater peace of mind. We are self-critical, we must continue contributing to the team and we aim to be leaders”, pointed out the athlete.

“It is a healthy fight that takes place in training on a day-to-day basis and is decided by the teacher (Cruz Real). We all want to collaborate, everyone has done well when they have played and this semester, with so many games, we will need everyone, “he added.

According to the former Deportivo Cali footballer, the team with which he was champion of Colombia, he and his teammates have the mentality of “getting the most points” and being “at the top of the table.”

“We think about getting as many points as possible before the South American begins. We aim to qualify, we do not think of a number, we only think of being at the top of the table. The three points will be vital for that cushion when international travel begins. This to get into the South American, “said the vallenato.

Finally, Jorge explained a little about Junior and Olimpia from Paraguay, institutions that have a conflict over a player’s payment when he went to play on Guarani soil.

“With Olimpia I had a contract until the middle of the year, they owed me money and that was fixed. With Junior the problem was sports rights, when I went to Olimpia they agreed on an amount of money and there was a debt of 300 thousand dollars, which is something between clubs. I have nothing to do with it”, concluded Arias, who would be the starter.


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