Jérôme Rothen violently dismantles Messi and Neymar

Eliminated in the knockout stages of the Champions League after their 3-1 defeat on the lawn of Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain has once again become the laughingstock of Europe. The capital club also pissed off its loyal fans and even its former residents. This is the case of Jérôme Rothen. Invited to give his opinion on the Parisian performance, the former midfielder violently attacked Lionel Messi and Neymar.

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“The people responsible for this defeat are Neymar and Messi! It is up to them to take their responsibilities. When Leonardo recruits these guys and puts them up there, they are the legends of the club. They are paid for it. I am not attacking Verratti, Danilo, Paredes, Mbappé. He was the only one who was dangerous in both matches. I’m going after the other two, the two mercenaries! Between one that’s been a fraud since it happened. I’m ashamed to talk like that about Leo Messi, but it’s the reality. The guy walks on the field. I am told that he made efforts in the substitution to recover the ball. Are you kidding me or what? He made efforts from 10 meters. The other (Neymar, editor’s note) he lost all his balloons, I say the other because it annoys me so much to mention his name. Since he’s been there, it’s been a mess. It’s less than 50% of matches at PSG. And when he is there, we will find excuses for him. Messi, stop! Neymar, stop! The problem is there. It’s the great players who take your head out of the water.”he said at the microphone of RMC Sport.


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