“It’s hard to sleep at night”: Mauricio Pochettino has the “rage” since the elimination against Real | foreign soccer

Paris Saint-Germain coach Mauricio Pochettino is “raging” and wants his team to beat Bordeaux on Sunday, for the 27th day of Ligue 1, to “vent this frustration” of the big European failure against Real Madrid.

“The way should we lost does ch…, sorry for the word. I have rabies,” explained the Argentinian at a press conference. He admitted to feeling “some discomfort, it’s hard to sleep at night, but we have to assume our responsibilities, that of continuing to think about the championship”, assuring that he feels “ready to fight”.

“Poche” called on his players to “vent this frustration” and beat the Girondins. “A victory tomorrow (Sunday) will not console us for the defeat of Madrid”, recalled Pochettino, but “we have the possibility of winning the 10th title in the 50 years of club history (52, editor’s note), it is enough motivation to train every day and play with the form that this competition demands”.

MEA culpa

Asked about the mental bankruptcy of his team on Wednesday evening in Madrid, the technician recalled that he considered that there was a fault on the part of Benzema on Donnarumma on the Madrid equalizer, even if it is “not an excuse”. He also made his “mea culpa: that we did not manage these moments of the match well, we must assume this responsibility”.

When at the reception of the Parc des Princes, that a press release from the Collectif ultras parisiens (CUP) promises rebelliously on Sunday against Bordeaux, “the atmosphere tomorrow will be the one our fans want, we understand their disappointment, they have the right to demonstrate their feelings,” Pochettino concluded.


“Direction resignation”, claim the ultras of PSG after the new debacle in C1


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