FIFA World Cup: Infantino announces re-election and creates controversy after draw in Qatar | National teams

One day before Qatar World Cup drawthe FIFA He has given several news related to the future of the entity in the 76th Congress of the entity.

First, the decision to Gianni Infantino to remain in a position that seems like a vice, because once you get there nobody wants to leave: “the next congress, in 2023, will have an electoral character. I inform you that I will stand for re-election,” he warned.

And then the director gave way to the recognition of his defeat in his (electoral) idea of ​​a World Cup every two years but with a warning that he will not give up: “I will be clear: FIFA has not proposed the biennial World Cup. Congress asked that The feasibility was studied. But FIFA has not proposed anything. And the conclusion was reached that it is viable and that it would have certain consequences and certain impacts. Now the next phase begins, that of consultations, that of debate, that of finding agreements and commitments. With the federations, the leagues, the players”.

The great controversy arose when Lise Klaveness, president of the Norwegian Football Federation, publicly criticized the violation of workers’ rights, the refusal to develop women’s football and the lack of guarantees for the LGBTI community, all failures of Qatar , host country of the World Cup. Some criticized that this was not the time for complaints, but others supported the leader’s courage to speak about these thorny issues right in front of the World Cup organizers, denounced in different media for irregularities and rights violations.

The event was attended by several football glories, including Sergio ‘Kun’ Aguero and it was confirmed that legends like Cafu, Lothar Matthäus y Jay-Jay Okochaamong others.

Finally, in the updated FIFA ranking, Brazil moved into first place and displaced Belgium to second place. Argentina maintained fourth place, behind France, and Mexico is ninth thanks to its qualification for the World Cup. The pots for the draw do not change with these modifications.


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