Collapse of tanker base in Arena GNP leaves 2 injured

ACAPULCO, Gro., March 5, 2022.- Two people were injured due to the collapse of a part of the base that supports the water tanks in the facilities of the recently inaugurated Arena GNP, in Acapulco, Guerrero, where a recent held the Mexican Tennis Open.

According to a report, at 8 am, in a call to the 911 emergency number, authorities reported that some water tanks burst and two people were injured.

The accident occurred inside access B within the facilities located on Paseo de los Manglares Avenue, where cleaning, maintenance and workers are still being observed on the site. It was reported that the injured people were transported by their own means.

As reported by Quadratín Guerrero, the director of Mextenis, Raúl Zurutuza, reported that the main court of the stadium would be rebuilt due to a pronounced difference in level of 30 centimeters between one end and the other, in addition that the railings of the site would be replaced and the air conditioning systems improved. conditioned. With information from Quadratín Guerrero.


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