Calvin Ridley (Atlanta) suspended for a season by the NFL for betting on matches

Revelation of the 2020 regular season with Atlanta, Calvin Ridley has only played five games this year. On November 1, the Falcons receiver announced that he was putting his career on hold to take care of ” his mental health “. But on Monday night, the NFL suspended Ridley for the entirety of the 2022 season, at a minimum.

A league investigation established that he had bet on several matches, a practice totally prohibited for active players.

According to the NFL, Ridley placed multiple bets last November. ESPN even reports that the catcher bet the money on a combination of results, involving his own team. ” Betting on NFL games has been considered one of the league’s most serious rule violations for decades, triggering the toughest penalties. », wrote NFL boss Roger Goodellin a letter to the Atlanta receiver.

Ridley acknowledges $1,500 bets

As soon as the sanction fell, Ridley made his position known in a series of tweets. ” I learn from my mistakes “, first wrote the player of the Falcons, explaining then to have” bet 1500 dollars in all “and not be” betting addict ». « I know I was wrong but a year (suspension)? Lol “Then dropped the 27-year-old receiver.

Suspended for the 2022 season, Ridley will not receive his salary – $ 11 million over the year – and will not be able to help the Falcons, unfortunate during the 2017 Super Bowl, to find the play-offs.


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