Because of the Ukraine conflict, Putin was stripped of the black belt of honor by the World Taekwondo Federation.

Because of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin was stripped of his honorary presidency by the World Judo Federation and received another award from a sports organization.

The black belt of honor awarded in 2013 was stripped from the 69-year-old by the World Taekwondo Federation. At the same time, the group denounced “the barbaric attacks on innocent people in the Middle East.”UkraineThis contradicts World Taekwondo’s vision of “peace is more valuable than victory” and the values ​​of “respect and tolerance”.

The Taekwondo Association imposed sanctions on both male and female athletes, just like other sports organizations.RussiaBelarus is one of them. The flags of the two countries, as well as their national anthems, will not be played during the competitions. Competitions are no longer organized or recognized by the World Federation and the European Taekwondo Union in Russia or Belarus.

The World Judo Federation was formed after the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, supported by Belarus.PutinAs honorary president and ambassador of sport, he was relieved of his office. The leader of the Kremlin is a black belt in martial arts.

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Oliver Barker

Was born in Bristol and grew up in Southampton. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics and a master’s degree in finance and economics from the University of Southampton. He is 34 and lives in Midanbury, Southampton.


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