Basketball: senior girls in 3rd position

The Lasa Basket club des Angles, involved in the Vaucluse women’s championship, is full of confidence. Jérome Lambert, coach since the 4th season and ex of Châteaurenard, underlines: “Our flag team had a somewhat complicated start to the league. Started at the beginning of October, we had to travel, especially against big teams. As a result, we recorded one victory and three defeats. Since the return matches, change of attitude, regained confidence, we are currently 3rd”.

The 14 players aged 20 to 28, including two youngest, arrive at training, smiling, with, in the middle, the “doyenne”, Carmen, 42, in a hurry to set up their tactics against an opponent weight. “This season our objectives are moderate: consolidate our 3rd place, challenge the tough guys, go to the semi-finals of the championship and above all achieve a good result against the leading team, La Barbière Avignon, undefeated. The second positive point now is that we will have more home matches” underlines Jérôem Lambert.

For Amélie Bourgois, captain number 9, and Dorianne Latrèche, vice-captain: “We are a group of friends who are aware of the goals to be achieved. Look, it’s great to be together in training. We have a passion for basketball together and that drives us”.

The whistle blows, the coach forms two teams. The match activates at high speed with nice 3-point shots.


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