‘Archery Combat’, a fun plan B in Benavente

The Department of Youth of the Benavente City Council, within the NOCTAMBULOS #PLANB program, organizes the fun Archery Combat activity, also known as Archery Tag, for Friday, March 18.

It is a sport inspired by archery, in which the action experienced in a game of paintball is combined with the use of bows and arrows, with the particularity that the arrows are very different from those commonly used. arrows are foam tipped.

Participate and test your aim, your reflexes and your desire to have fun, next Friday, starting at 8:00 p.m.

Pre-registration is mandatory due to limited places. The activity will take place in the Fernando II Pavilion and is suitable for people over 14 years of age. For more information and registration, you can go to the Benavene Youth Point, via email [email protected] or WhatsApp 606728051.


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