VfL Wolfsburg loses against TSG Hoffenheim

Max Kruse took a sip from the drinking bottle, shook his head and made no secret of his disappointment. “Overall, I’m upset that we lost. We wanted to get our third win and have a quiet week,” said the new leading player at VfL Wolfsburg after the unnecessary 1-2 (1-0) against Champions League aspirant TSG Hoffenheim.

Up to the 73rd minute, the Lower Saxony led 1-0, but instead of the possible 2-0, the wolves caught the equalizer in return. “We have to look good for 90 minutes, not just 73 minutes,” said the former Union professional.

His team was not attentive in two crucial scenes “and was not callous enough at the front. The conversion of chances wasn’t good today,” said Kruse, who had been something of a guarantee for Wolfsburg’s success in the last few games. “We were severely punished,” said VfL sporting director Marcel Schäfer.

Wolfsburg took the lead with a remarkable flick from newcomer Jonas Wind (36th). But substitute Jacob Bruun Larsen with a side kick (74th) and Andrej Kramaric (78th), who had recovered from Corona, turned the game in the final phase in favor of Hoffenheim.

“I’m very happy that I was able to come in and make the difference,” said Bruun Larsen, who came on as a substitute in the 70th minute on Sky. He was particularly pleased that Kramaric scored: “You didn’t see that he was in quarantine. We can count on him.”

Hoffenheim overtakes Leipzig

The Kraichgauer achieved their second success in a row, in the fight for the Champions League the team of coach Sebastian Hoeneß passed RB Leipzig at least temporarily and is currently fourth.

Both teams played a lively game in front of 7145 spectators in Wolfsburg, in which the hosts initially set the tone. With the self-confidence of the last two wins, the Wolfsburg team, unchanged compared to the Frankfurt game (2-0) under coach Florian Kohfeldt, started with a lot of speed.

Although Kruse and Co. initially reaped little in the form of goal chances, despite great effort and a lot of ball possession, the lead ten minutes before the break was deserved.

Hoffenheim, on the other hand, acted surprisingly passively. Hardly anything went forward from the game in the first section, so that the greatest chance came about after a standard situation.

After a free-kick from the center line, Ihlas Bebou suddenly found himself free-standing. However, Maximilian Arnold saved his first attempt just before the line, then the TSG striker shot over it (13′).

In the second half, the guests then took over the command. Wolfsburg now let themselves be pushed far into their own half – and were punished twice in the final phase.

First Bruun Larsen hit from five meters with a side kick, then Kramaric pushed a Bruun Larsen cross over the line from close range. Hoffenheim keeper Oliver Baumann thwarted the greatest VfL chance to equalize when he parried a wind header (81st).


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