Russian invasion soon?: Ukrainian President is surprised by warnings from the USA – politics

After renewed US warnings of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine in the coming week, Kiev has expressed surprise. “If you or anyone else has additional information about a 100 percent invasion on February 16, please provide us with that information,” President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told journalists on Saturday. Kiev is aware that there are risks.

Still, there would be too many reports in the public space of a major war by Russia against Ukraine. Kiev is prepared for everything. But: “The best friend for the enemy is panic in our country,” Selenskyj addressed Western journalists in English. All this information would only create panic and would not help Ukraine.

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The day before, heightened warnings from Washington of a possible Russian attack on Ukraine had sparked international unrest. Like numerous other western countries before it, the federal government called on Germans to leave the country on Saturday.

More on the subject on Tagesspiegel Plus:

For weeks, Western reports have been talking about a Russian troop deployment near the Ukrainian borders. The Kremlin regularly rejects invasion plans and speaks of “war hysteria”. So far, Ukraine has not been mobilized, nor has a state of war been declared. (dpa)


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