Puerto Rico will walk “with its hands full” of sporting events in 2022

San Juan, Feb 24 (EFE).- The Puerto Rico Olympic Committee (Copur) affirmed that it will be “with its hands full” in 2022 with a broad agenda to promote campaigns, sports development, good governance and performance in the events that will mark the new Olympic cycle.

For this reason, the president of Copur, Sara Rosario, explained that various events will be held in March, among them, that on March 1 there will be a webinar, called “Impulso”, directed by the professional technician Gabriela Mueller.

Meanwhile, on International Women’s Day, March 8, the campaign “My life has value” will air.

Then, on March 12 and 13, the fifth edition of the Women’s Olympic Festival will be held at the Olympic Lodge in Salinas with 16 sports.

The last sporting event in March will be the Olympic Awards.

The month of April will begin with visits to educational institutions under the project “Moviéndonos PUR los Nuestro” and on the 6th of that month, Puerto Rico will join the International Day for the Development of Sports and Peace created by the UN.

In June, the women will have another individually supported development workshop with Mueller, and on the 17th and 18th the Olympic Beach Festival will be organized at the Balneario de Carolina in preparation for the 2023 World Beach Games.

Together with the International Olympic Committee, the message of the Olympic Movement will be spread on June 23 with the International Olympic Day.

That same day, the countdown to the San Salvador 2023 Central American and Caribbean Games begins with the goal of surpassing the 87 medals of Barranquilla 2018.

From July 29 to 3, the first edition of the Caribbean Games will debut with 29 countries, 800 athletes and seven sports, of which five (athletics, 3×3, judo, swimming and beach volleyball) Puerto Rico will have representation.

On the island, thousands of athletes will enjoy the Olympic Cup on July 9 and 10 at the Convention Center. The institutional event has more than 15 sports on its schedule with different stages for 2,500 athletes.

Likewise, on October 15 and 16, competitions with international projection will be held in boxing, fencing, judo, karate, Olympic wrestling and taekwondo.

On October 20, the Pan American clock restarts to start the countdown to the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, to be held from October 20 to November 5 of next year, and which will give tickets for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Finally, Puerto Ricans will compete in the first edition of the Central American and Caribbean Sea and Beach Games in Santa Marta, Colombia, from November 12 to 19.

(c) EFE Agency


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