Pradines. Basketball: a victory for seniors that feels good

The Pradinoises returned to victory this Friday evening at the sports hall, against a Gimbelet team obviously lacking competition with late matches. However, the locals presented a training of only seven players, having to deal with a reduced workforce; but the Lotoises did the job and gave everything they could, well supported by a public who did not spare their encouragement from start to finish, in a good atmosphere and a good state of mind on both sides. ‘other.

After a rather timid start to the match on both sides with a lot of clumsiness, Elsa Daubié set the tempo in attack and the two younger Arwen Delsol and Raphaelle Valério found the line of sight at 3 points. A first quarter won 16 to 9 and growing confidence, the whole team contributing its stone to the building, Kiara Mahobah taking over in the 2nd quarter, Clara Boissel struggling in defense, like Elise Larrouy. Manon Lèbre brought serenity and experience, regulating the ardor of Pradinoise by making her teammates play and outsmart the opponents, allowing the Ladybugs to arrive at the break with a substantial lead.

The game was balanced in the 2nd period, Gimbelet didn’t give up but Pradines managed his lead to get a victory good for morale, before the match this afternoon at 3 p.m. in Pradines against TCMS.

Pradines 76 – Gimbelet 43

Half time: 45-18. Quarters: 16-9, 29-9, 14-13, 17-12.

Referees: M. Azahaf and F. Zaida.

Pradines Lot Basket : Lèbre M. (11), Larrouy E. (3), Mahobah K. (ch. 15), Boissel C. (8), Daubié, E. (22), Delsol A. (12), Valério R. (5 ).

16 team fouls, one player out for five fouls; fourteen free throws made out of 27 attempted; eight 3-pointers.

Coach: Eldon Keita. Assistant: Laëtitia Maury.

Gimbelet : Dupont L. (cap.), Ioualalen M., Nevert J. (15), Gambazza H. (8), Bonhomme F. (10), Laumond L. (5), Labranque J. (5), Giner D.


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