Play Russian roulette in Blaugrana

If you prefer routine to noise, constant work to the ramp and intuition, the dynamic laportista it becomes a headache. You spend your life with woe in your heart. Neither a comfortable victory against Atletico nor the agreement with the new sponsor have guaranteed a certain lasting joy, on the contrary: with Reverter’s farewell they have found the infallible way to give carnage to the worst opponents. That they are other culers, in case anyone still doubts it. We only heard interested versions because the protagonist, of course, will not speak. Laporta and his family care little about this feeling of subversion, accustomed to the need for strong emotions and to understanding existence in two trenches, mine and his. And whoever shows independent judgment is a traitor to the cause, directly. Of nuances, nothing; they are box or strip. If they finally get the club out of this mess, it will be a prodigy despised by their opponents, who will continue to deny them bread and salt. If they do not succeed, we will open a new stage, probably marked by the conversion to SAD. Goodbye to more than a clubwhich is like playing Russian roulette, no joke.

When Ferran Reverter was already respected by all, little miracle in this eternal battle, he goes and presents the resignation. He who, like German, gave seriousness and prestige to a government team characterized by trusted people. Barça suffers from ailments that do not require noise, but a correct diagnosis, competent professionals and patient care time. A decisive February is coming for the team, this is obvious, and after fighting with the respectable rivals of these weeks, it will be possible to take note of evaluation. Therefore, we will check if the goals of the season can be achieved in their simplicity: place in the Champions League and taste the waters for the Europa League. Nothing more, and that’s a lot. It is the team that will start the virtuous circle, especially if it has the support of stability in the offices.

As if it were a divine decision, we are doomed to unite the fate of the club with that of its top manager, a generator of African hatred and unconditional membership, a specialist in black and white. It is the pure definition of providential presidentialism, almost to caricature extremes. Body on the ground, selling ours. With scares like Reverter it will be hard for you to take root when you want to get out of the chaos. Always between the fire and the embers. Faithful and unconditional trust in front of proven professionals. Risky sport, this constant tightrope walking.


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