operations contested for 60 million for Juve, for 19 for Napoli

The inspectors of the Figs have closed the investigation on the capital gains, deemed false, of several Italian clubs after the intervention on the matter Covisoc. An investigation external to that of the Prosecutor’s Office, which works for false accounting, but which involves the same clubs. According to what was revealed by “La Stampa”, there are several disputed transactions in recent years, for a total of tens and tens of millions of euros.

See also

Capital gains case: Juve and Napoli at risk of being referred for administrative offense

In a 60-page dossier there is talk of “transactions characterized by a systematic overestimation of the consideration for the transfer of players’ registration rights and an equally systematic correspondence and consequent substantial financial compensation between the values ​​attributed by the companies to the rights exchanged”.

Among the top clubs involved there are Juventus e Naples. The Juventus club is challenged with 35 transactions for a total of 60.3 million fictitious from 2019 to 2021, which include, among others, 8 million for Aké and 20 million for Audero, while Arthur-Pjanic and Danilo-Cancelo operations are excluded. .

As for the blue club, there are 19.3 million disputed and related to the transfer of Osimhen from Lille for 71.2 million with the inclusion of four technical counterparts (Karnezis plus the spring Liguori, Manzi and Palmieri): inflated values ​​for Covisoc before and for the FIGC now.

But Ferrero and Preziosi are also in the sights of the Italian Football Federation Sampdoria e Genoain addition toEmpoli of Corsi. All, according to the current situation, mainly risk fines or administrative sanctions, while some more concerns concern Pescara, Parma and Pisa, who would have obtained in this “illicit” way the criteria for enrollment in the championships. In total there are 11 clubs at risk of referral: in addition to the already mentioned, there are also Novara, Chievo and Pro Vercelli.

Even the players involved, about sixty, could be heard by the investigators, to understand if they had themselves been aware of the inflated values.


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