NBA: Basketball stars Schröder and Theis swap teams | – Sports

NBA: Basketball stars Schröder and Theis swap teams | – Sports

Status: 02/11/2022 09:04 a.m

Dennis Schröder and Daniel Theis are now playing for other clubs in the NBA. On the last day of the change period in the North American basketball professional league, the two national players swapped teams.

Schröder from Braunschweig is now hunting for a basket for the Houston Rockets – the previous team from Theis (Salzgitter). In turn, he moves to the Boston Celtics, who only signed Schröder at the beginning of the season and for whom Theis had already been active for the first three years of his NBA career. For point guard Schröder, who was traded to Houston along with Enes Freedom and Angolan Bruno Fernando, the transfer is a sporting relegation. The Rockets are currently last in the Western Conference and the Celtics are seventh in the east.

Schröder’s fourth change in four years

For Schröder, who only moved to Boston from the Los Angeles Lakers last summer, Houston is the fourth stop in the world’s strongest basketball league in the past four years. His contract, which is worth “only” $5.9 million, expires at the end of the season, and he will probably have to move again in the summer.

In the NBA, players rarely have a say in such changes. The 28-year-old had played for the Los Angeles Lakers before moving to Boston. He got there through a trade deal with the Oklahoma City Thunder, for whom he had previously played two years. Last season, he turned down an offer from the Lakers for $84 million for four years. He was under contract with the Atlanta Hawks from 2013 to 2018.

Theis no longer in demand with the Rockets

Daniel Theis has hardly been used by the Rockets in the past few weeks.

Theis, who once played with Schröder in the Bundesliga for Braunschweig, signed a contract with the Rockets in August but has hardly played in recent weeks. He was last on the floor on January 14th. The 29-year-old began his US career with the Celtics in 2017. He was then sent to the Chicago Bulls last season and went from there to Houston in the summer. Both the Celtics and the Rockets have so far fallen far short of their own expectations this season.

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Sports current | 02/11/2022 | 8:25 a.m

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