MLB presents new proposal to the Union: still no deal | baseball 123

Meridian Drafting

Major League Baseball presented a new offer to the Players Union on Saturday in a meeting that lasted less than an hour, according to ESPN’s Joon Lee. He further explained that the MLBPA was “unimpressed” by the meeting. Among the MLB proposals are: minimum salary, pre-arbitration bonus, service time manipulation, roster continuity and pre-draft physical.

The minimum wage

MLB offered a $725,000 raise for players ages 0-3. However, it is still less than the Union’s asking for a minimum wage of $775,000. MLB had previously offered salaries of $615,000, $650,000 and $700,000.

Pre-Arbitration Bonus

The Union asked for a bonus of 100 million dollars, initially. The MLB increased this Saturday from its offer of 10 million to 15 million dollars. Additionally, the league offers a six-person split to allocate bonuses using a mutually agreed-upon WAR stat. The top 30 players in WAR will be chosen for the bonus.

Also read: MLB and owners begin to give in to start the season on time

Service time manipulation

The MLB offers two draft picks (amateur and international) for the player if he is among the first Cy Young, Rookie of the Year or MVP. The Union does not agree with the international draft.

Also read: MLB approves universal designated hitter rule for the 2022 season

Rotation in the roster

Major League Baseball is proposing a new rule: limit the total number of minor league assignments for a player to five in a single season.

A pre-draft physical

Players will be able to submit a physical prior to the draft and the team that selects it must pay the player at least 75% of the value. As was the case with Kumar Rocker with the New York Mets last season who were unable to sign him due to health issues. The team cannot release the player because of the post-draft physical.


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