MLB: Players unimpressed with Major League Baseball’s latest offer

Major League Baseball’s latest offer, presented Saturday during a bargaining meeting, left the Players’ Association very unimpressed, as the two sides attempt to negotiate a new collective agreement in the midst of a lockout, reports ESPN.

Discussions lasted less than an hour and no agreement was reached.

According to ESPN, Major League Baseball’s 130-page proposal would remove the penalty for exceeding the luxury tax threshold and raise the threshold slightly in years three through five of a potential employment contract.

The league also proposed to increase the minimum wage for players with more than two years of service from $700,000 to $725,000, or a floor of $630,000 for first-year players under the system of the previous collective agreement. , advance ESPN. The offer also contained the proposal to increase the amount of the pre-arbitration bonus from $10 million to $15 million.

Also according to ESPN, Major League Baseball has offered teams the option of receiving two draft picks if a star prospect remains in the Majors and is a finalist for individual honors for multiple years, to avoid manipulation in the calculation. of seniority.

It was just the fifth round of negotiations on economic issues since the ninth labor dispute in Major League Baseball history began Dec. 2 after a five-year collective agreement expired.

Major League Baseball’s spring training camps were scheduled to begin next week.


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