Melzer on Nadal: “If you give him your finger, he takes your whole hand” – Australian Open

If 40-year-old Jürgen Melzer hadn’t been in quarantine, the vaccinated person would still have watched the final of the Australian Open. From the first to the last rally. Due to omicron, the practically symptom-free sports director and Davis Cup captain of the Austrian tennis association was undisturbed on Sunday. He chatted with his brother Gerald. “That was funny, we were both stunned.” After almost five and a half hours, 35-year-old Rafael Nadal converted the first match point against Daniil Medvedev – final score: 2: 6, 6: 7, 6: 4, 6: 4, 7: 5. Melzer said to himself and the day after the STANDARD: “Insane. You can only take your hat off. When it was 0: 2 in sets, I gave Nadal five percent for the win.” Sometimes experts are wrong. “Although I already knew that you should never write him off.”


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