in promo, Roland Emmerich balances on Star Wars, DC and Marvel

Director Roland Emmerich is a true suicide bomber. When he’s not rushing the Moon to Earth in his new movie Moonfall, he’s rocking Star Wars, DC and Marvel. Watch out for bumps!

Currently in full promotion for her spectacular new baby Moonfall, Roland Emmerich opens the floodgates wide to spit his venom on sizeable competitors. The director indeed openly accuses Marvel, DC and their extended universes, but also the franchise Star Wars to do a lot of harm to the cinema and to lead it to its pure and simple ruin. Roland Emmerich knows a lot about disasters there. We owe him in particular to have accelerated global warming in The day afterfor having staged the apocalypse predicted by the Mayans in 2012 or to have threatened our planet with a new extraterrestrial invasion in the wake ofIndependance Day. Due in theaters on February 9, Moonfall will see the Moon fall on our good old Earth.

No need to howl scandal or boycott Roland Emmerich. The director is not the first to bluntly criticize the Hollywood industry. Remember: Martin Scorsese took advantage of the promotional tour of The Irishman to claim that Marvel movies were “more akin to amusement parks” than real cinema, prompting incendiary reactions from geeks and pimply fans alike. Edgar Wright (Last Night in Soho) undoubtedly abounds in his direction since he left the production ofAnt-Manscalded by a rewrite session imposed by Marvel.

So what does Roland Emmerich reproach to Marvel, DC and Star Wars?

A site journalist Den of Geek asked Roland Emmerich about the difficulty of producing an original action film in the age of superhero blockbusters. The director did not hesitate for a moment: “Marvel and DC Comics, as well as Star Wars, have practically taken over. It kinda ruins our industry, because nobody does anything original anymore. Emmerich drives the point home again by accusing Marvel of formatting the brains of spectators so that they only become familiar with their style of narration by dazzling their retinas with four films a year and a multitude of series versions on Disney +. Which colleague is he saving? Christopher Nolan, Hollywood’s real pet peeve. Thanks Roland!


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