GEPU took a valuable win from San Juan

The debut at home did not have the ending that the Revolution of San Juan expected. GEPU of San Luis took the victory by 56-68, in a complicated redoubt.

The first local presentation of Revolución San Juan Básquet had a bitter end. GEPU prevailed by 68 to 56. The start of the match for the sanjuaninos had much more poise in handling the ball and when it came to defending the rim. The meeting had much more study in each attack, both from Revolcuión San Juan and GEPU from San Luis, who had already faced each other on the first day exchanging venues.

The tie at 32 points to go to rest marks, without a doubt, how even the process was. For the host, Matìas Lucero and Emanuel Cabañas showed aggressiveness in the attack, supported by the work of Castro and Romero under the rim, without forgetting the delivery of Uzair in the first minutes. On the side of GEPU, the standard-bearer for his dedication Gustavo Costa with the concretions of Juna Mena and Lisandro Quinteros who led the San Luis team to get up on the scoreboard.

The second part had a turnaround in the result. GEPU brought out their weapons with Mena, Acosta, Gomez Quinteros and made the difference of 12 points. Revolution San Juan Básquet tried with the advances of Lucero, Cabañas when he was on the court, plus Romero and Castro, but that was not enough to catch up with San Juan.

In a passage of the third quarter, San Juan got within range, but the poor aim played against him and he could not match the score. GEPU got a fair result and a very important victory for the San Juan Básquet Revolution court.

Source: San Juan Revolution Press


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