College basketball: David Collins’ brutal butt against Wendell Moore Jr.

CLEMSON.- The scene caused chills; a sensation of stinging ran through the spectators, who watched the play in astonishment. Duke’s 82-64 win over Clemson Thursday night in college basketball in the United States took a nasty turn late in the first half when Tigers guard David Collins bumped into Wendell Moore Jr. during a dunk.

It so happened that Collins fumbled to Moore with just over 3 minutes left in the half and Moore came out bowling for what should have been an uncontested dunk. However, Collins lunged at Moore while he was in the air, bringing him down hard on the hardwood floor.

At that point, coach Mike Krzyzewski entered the court and players on both sides began yelling at each other as he tried to restore order. Collins was eventually ejected.

Krzyzewski called it a “dangerous” move. “He didn’t he saw himself. We saw it,” he said after the game. ““ He was parallel to the ground but two meters in the air. It’s one of the most dangerous plays I’ve ever seen. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not against Collins, but I’ve never seen a player fall like this”, commented Krzyzewskifrom 74 yearswho will retire after this season.

Before he left, Clemson coach Brad Brownell brought Collins in to apologize. Collins was seen saying, “That’s up to me” as he hugged Krzyzewski, training for the last time at Littlejohn Coliseum. Collins later apologized to Moore on social media.

“I was going to try to block him from behind but he was going too fast and couldn’t stop,” he wrote in a post on his Instagram story. “I realized that I had to stop when it was already too late. I have never been a dirty player. I never will be. I wish my brother a healthy season… I respect Duke and Clemson and apologize to everyone for a reckless move. I’m glad Wendell is okay.”


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