Brazilian football team is hit by bomb explosion on players’ bus, decides to play anyway and wins 2-0 | Foreign Football

The Bahia players arrived unsuspectingly by bus at the stadium, when suddenly an explosive device exploded. Video images show that there are several holes in the bus and that there are blood spatters on the seats. Goalkeeper Danilo Fernandes was hit in the face – a shard of glass just missed his eye. “He was a finger away from losing his sight,” said Bahia coach Guto Ferreira. Fernandes spent the night in hospital for further investigations, but the incident may not be anything serious. Matheus Bahia got away with cuts to the arm.

Despite the explosion, the Bahia players made their appearance on the field. “Out of dignity, professionalism and to honor the club colors,” it said in a statement from the club. And if they did – Bahia won the match against Sampo Corrêa 2-0.

The only question that remains is who was behind the explosion. According to the Brazilian medium Globoesporte, radical fans of Sampo Corrêa are suspected of having planted the bomb on the bus.


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