Articles of Association

Articles of association for Lundtofte Badminton Club

§ 1

Name and place of residence

The club’s name is Lundtofte Badminton Club of 19.06.1975 and is an association based in Lyngby-Tårbæk municipality.

§ 2


The purpose of the association is to practice badminton and, based on the community and the social life of the club, to spread the knowledge of this sport. It is also the association’s purpose to develop the members’ desire to get involved and take a co-responsibility in the association.

§ 3


Anyone over the age of 8 can be admitted as an active member.

Admission of passive members can take place regardless of age. Passive members do not have access to the sport itself, but are eligible for election to the board.

Members are obliged to comply with and live up to the association’s purpose statement.

The final refusal of membership of the association must, at the request of the person requesting membership, be submitted to the general meeting.

§ 4


Registration must be done in writing on the registration form to the club’s treasurer or by registration through the club’s website

For members under the age of 18, the registration form must also be signed by a parent or guardian

§ 5


Withdrawal must be made in writing to the cashier with one month’s notice until the end of a contingent period. In connection with resignation, the member’s possible financial balances with the association must be settled.

§ 6


Contingent and deposits are determined by the general meeting. Payment deadlines and form of collection are determined by the Board of Directors.

§ 7


The membership fee must be paid before the end of the due month

§ 8

Exclusion and exclusion

A member can be excluded temporarily or permanently (exclusion) if he acts to the detriment of the association, or if he does not fulfill his membership obligations.

In cases of exclusion, the member is entitled to be heard before the board of directors makes its decision.

In cases of exclusion, the member is also entitled to have the matter decided at the next general meeting, and that the matter be put on the agenda as a special item.

A general meeting’s decision on exclusion requires the same majority as when amending the association’s articles of association

§ 9

Ordinary general meeting

The general meeting is the association’s supreme authority in all matters. The Annual General Meeting is held once a year in the first quarter.

Convening with indication of the agenda and received proposals must take place with 4 weeks notice by notice on the club’s notice board in Lundtofte hallen.

Proposals that are to be considered at the annual general meeting must be submitted in writing to the board of directors no later than 2 weeks before the general meeting is held. If proposals have been received, these are sent to the members together with the agenda and the audited accounts so that these are received by the members no later than one week before the general meeting. This is done by a publication on the club’s website.

All members of the association, as well as whom the board may invite, have access to the general meeting. All active members who are not in contingent arrears have the right to vote. Voting can only take place in person.

A timely convened general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of attendees

§ 10


The agenda for the annual general meeting must include at least the following items:

1. Election of conductor

2. The Board of Directors’ report for the past year.

Submission of annual report (Incl. Audited accounts) for the past year for approval.

4. Submission of the Board’s budget proposal for the coming year for approval.

5. Determination of quota

6. Processing of received proposals

7. Election of the Board of Directors.

Election of auditor and deputy.

9. Possibly.

§ 11

Management of the General Meeting

Negotiations at the general meeting are chaired by a chairman who is elected by the general meeting and who may not be a member of the board.

Decisions are taken by simple majority. However, amendments to the articles of association and a decision on the dissolution of the association require a qualified majority, cf. §§17 and 18.

The vote shall be taken in writing if five members so request. When choosing a person, however, on request. Minutes of the resolutions of the general meeting are prepared. The minutes are approved and signed by the conductor.

Proposals for amendments to the laws that are to be considered must be received by the chairman no later than 8 days before the general meeting is held.

§ 12

Extraordinary general assembly

Extraordinary general meetings may be convened by the board at any time and must be convened when at least one-fifth of the association’s voting members submit a written request to the board with an indication of the topic to be considered.

The general meeting must be held no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the request. With regard to requirements for the convening, chairing of the meeting, voting, etc., the same provisions apply as at the annual general meeting

§ 13

Board of Directors

The board is the association’s daily management and represents the association in all matters. The Board of Directors may set up necessary committees to handle ongoing or individual tasks

The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure. The Board of Directors has a quorum only when 3 of its members, including the Chairman or Deputy Chairman, are present. Minutes are kept of the Board’s negotiations.

In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. If a board member goes missing twice without resigning, he can be removed and the deputy called.

The adopted decisions and actions taken oblige the association in accordance with the articles of association

The Board of Directors consists of a chairman, a treasurer, a secretary and at least 2 other members and is elected for 2 years at a time at the annual general meeting.

The chairman and 1 board member are up for election in even years, while the treasurer, the secretary and 1 board member are up for election in odd years.

Eligible for election to the Board of Directors are members who have reached the age of 14 and have the right to vote, cf. §9.

§ 14

Financial Accounting

The association’s financial year is the calendar year. The Board of Directors must submit the annual report for the previous year to the auditor before 1 April. The annual report is submitted to the annual general meeting for approval and must bear the auditor’s endorsement and signature. The annual report is published on the club’s website for the association’s members together with the convening of the ordinary general meeting

§ 15


At the annual general meeting, an auditor and a deputy auditor are elected for one year at a time. Every year in March, the auditor must review the annual report and ensure that the inventories are present. The form of audit is accounting auditing, and the annual report is endorsed. The auditor has access to the accounts and inventories at all times.

§ 16

Drawing and liability

The association is signed by the chairman. For financial dispositions over DKK 25,000, however, the signature of the chairman and treasurer jointly is required. Purchase, sale or mortgaging of real estate must be approved by the general meeting. Likewise, borrowing of more than DKK 50,000 must be approved by the general meeting.

The members of the association are not personally liable for the obligations incumbent on the association.

§ 17

Amendments to the Articles of Association

Amendments to the articles of association can be made at any general meeting by a simple majority. Changes to the purpose clause and dissolution of the association can only take place when at least two thirds of the votes cast are in favor of the proposal.

§ 18


A decision on the dissolution of the association can only be made at an extraordinary general meeting convened for this purpose. In order for this to be quorate, at least two-thirds of the voting members of the club must be present.

In order for the proposal to be adopted, at least three quarters of the votes cast are in favor of the proposal. If such a majority is obtained at a general meeting that has no quorum, a new general meeting is convened, where a decision can be made with the above-mentioned majority of votes, regardless of the number of voting members present.

At the general meeting, a decision must be made at the same time on which non-profit / charitable purposes, the association’s assets, including any real estate and movables, must be available.


The laws were passed at an inaugural general meeting on October 3, 1975 and later amended at the ordinary general meeting or extraordinary general meeting on September 22, 1977, August 30, 1978, August 27, 1980, August 27, 1981, January 30, 1975. 2002, 24 January 2008, 12 February 2010, 31 October 2011 in Lundtofte Badminton Club of 19.06.1975.


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