This is how Juan Toscano Anderson’s season with the Warriors goes

Juan Toscano has become one of the usual men in the rotation of Steve Kerr and the Warriors, the effort and hard work are paying off for the national team who, despite adversity and tough competition for a position, has achieved earn important minutes. So we take a look at your numbers as we start this 2022.

Tuscan the achiever

It is clear that JTA is one of those players whose numbers may not reflect what he does on the floor. His energy, the way he fights the ball and teamwork cannot be reflected in the statistics, but they are factors that have helped him to consolidate himself in the team.

So far this season, Toscano has played in 35 games of the 36 that the Warriors have, in three of them he has started and his averages per game are as follows:

  • 16.4 minutes
  • 4.8 points
  • 2.9 rebounds
  • 2.2 assists
  • 0.74 robberies
  • 0.37 blocks


Their numbers are slightly down compared to their averages last year, but this season there is more competition and a number of players have returned, so clinching a spot on a title-contending team like the Warriors is far from easy.

Juan fulfills his work and in such a long and exhausting season as the NBA is, you must always be attentive to respond to the call, JTA has done it and hopes that the effort will continue to pay dividends.



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