The point of no return has been reached: Ousmane Dembélé will no longer play for FC Barcelona

Barca have cut off all discussion. While the Ousmane Dembélé file was its priority, the Catalan club took a radical decision: Ousmane Dembélé will no longer play under the colors of FC Barcelona. After refusing an extension offer with an annual salary of between 20 and 25 million euros at the end of December, the Dembélé clan and its crazy demands were pushed out by Joan Laporta, who was definitely tired.

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According to information from journalist Gerard Moreno, as a first step, the Barcelona president should announce to the French international that he was ending all negotiations by definitively withdrawing his offer, before drastically lowering the release clause of the winger by 24 year. Estimated at 400 million euros, the latter will now be 50 million. The goal is to find a way out for Ousmane Dembélé before the end of the winter transfer window. In the event of failure, FC Barcelona has decided that its young striker will not play a single minute in the Blaugrana jersey until the end of the season.


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After an extraordinary soap opera, the future of the 2018 world champion therefore seems all mapped out: either he finds a new club this winter, or he will no longer tread any lawn until the end of his contract. A decision that follows the madness of Moussa Sissoko, Dembélé’s agent, who demanded an annual salary of 40 million euros over five years for his client, in addition to various pharaonic commissions. It remains to be seen whether a club will in turn try the experiment.


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